Company regulations
Regulations for the Transportation of Passengers and Goods by Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski, the Owner of the “Rejsy po pochylniach” Brand, within Inland Waterway Passenger Transport.
§ 1. General Information
These regulations apply to the transportation of passengers and luggage by the vessels of the “Rejsy po pochylniach” fleet, managed by Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski, as part of inland waterway passenger transport.
The regulations specify:
a) Rules for maintaining order on the ships of the “Rejsy po pochylniach” fleet performing inland waterway transport,
b) Rules for booking, purchasing tickets, and complaints. -
The regulations are available on the company’s website “Rejsy po pochylniach” at
§ 2. Glossary of Terms and Definitions
- The terms used in these regulations mean:
a) Shipowner – “Rejsy po pochylniach” managed by Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski, 3-go Maja 19/2, 14-100 Ostróda, Poland,
b) Reservation – a prior booking for transportation services that results in a place being blocked for the reserver and entitles them to priority in ticket purchasing,
c) Ticket – a document confirming the conclusion of the purchase/transport agreement, entitling the holder to travel on the ship according to the route and the applicable price list,
d) Passenger – any person traveling by ship based on a ticket,
e) Reserver – any person who has made a reservation for a specific number of places for a particular date and quantity,
f) Carrier – Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski.
§ 3. Rules for Maintaining Order on the Ships of the Shipowner Performing Inland Waterway Passenger Transport
The responsibility of the shipowner only covers circumstances related to the transportation of passengers on the “Cyranka” and “Cyraneczka” ships operated by the carrier.
The shipowner is not responsible for any events that do not occur on board the ship or during the voyage.
The shipowner is not liable for damages resulting from delayed arrival/departure of ships to/from port/piers, canceled trips, or docking at ports/piers other than planned due to technical problems or force majeure, which is understood as an external, unforeseen event beyond the carrier’s control that could not have been predicted when organizing the trip and which could not have been prevented despite exercising due diligence.
Ticket and document checks required for applying for discounted tickets are carried out by the ship’s crew and authorized controllers during embarkation.
Reservation entitles priority in purchasing tickets.
The captain of the ship has the right to refuse boarding to the reserver or passenger after the scheduled departure time and for the reasons specified in section 12.
Passengers are required to comply with orders from the captain and crew regarding safety and maintaining order during the journey, from boarding the ship to disembarking.
Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski is not responsible for damages resulting from inadequate securing of transported goods, hand luggage, strollers, bicycles, phones, etc.
During the voyage, it is prohibited to:
a) Pollute or litter the ship or damage its equipment,
b) Throw waste overboard,
c) Smoke tobacco,
d) Consume psychoactive substances or drugs,
e) Disturb the peace,
f) Be outside the designated areas on the ship,
g) Lean over the sides and barriers of the ship, extending hands, feet, or heads outside,
h) Behave contrary to social norms. -
After reaching the final stop of a route, passengers are required to disembark the ship.
The passenger is liable to the carrier for any damage caused on board the ship and at the pier, arising from their fault, including in connection with the transport of luggage.
Persons who pose a threat to safety or order in transport or those disruptive to other passengers, despite having paid for transportation, may be denied transportation or removed from the ship at the nearest stop.
It is prohibited to transport the following by ship:
a) Flammable, explosive, corrosive, or odorous materials,
b) Items that may endanger traffic safety or damage the ship,
c) Firearms, except for persons required to carry firearms due to their public service duties. -
The passenger is fully responsible for any consequences of violating the prohibitions mentioned in the previous section.
The passenger is required to adhere to the order on the ship and comply with all permanent and temporary orders regarding order and safety issued by the captain or authorized crew members. The passenger may be detained by the captain if they violate the order or endanger the ship’s safety.
The passenger is obligated to cover the costs of damages caused by their behavior during the voyage.
The passenger must exercise special caution when boarding. The passenger must be aware that, due to factors beyond the carrier’s control, boarding may be slippery or unstable (e.g., due to swaying). For this reason, passengers must exercise caution at all times.
The passenger is required to exercise special caution during the voyage. The passenger must be aware that, due to factors beyond the carrier’s control, the deck, stairs, railings, etc., may be slippery.
The shipowner/captain has the right to refuse transportation:
a) Due to lack of available space,
b) To a person whose age, health condition, or physical or mental state raises concerns about the safe transportation possibility,
c) To a person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Transportation of animals is possible only in exceptional situations (due to the small size of the vessels) and with prior approval from the captain. The rules for transporting animals on the ships of the shipowner are similar to those in public transport (leash, vaccination, muzzle). Animals cannot be transported on voyages with high occupancy when small children or infants are present, when other passengers object to it, or when there is no way to ensure the animal will not touch or rub against other passengers.
- The passenger must check in 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time, or they may lose their reserved place.
§ 4. Reservation and Ticket Sales
Reservations and ticket sales apply to unnumbered seats in the bow and stern sections of the ship. Reservations can be made by phone, email, or through the online booking system, providing the number of tickets, their type, date, and route. Payment for tickets is made in cash on board the ship or, in special cases, via online bank transfer. Unreserved seats are available for direct sale on the day of the trip, just before departure.
The passenger must have a valid ticket for the voyage and present it upon request for inspection. Failure to present a valid ticket may result in an additional fee imposed by the shipowner/carrier.
Services other than the ship voyage offered by the carrier are separate from the passenger transport service and the carrier will charge separate fees according to the prices listed in the offer or price list. Separate services may include transporting passengers to a designated location, decorative services for the ship, etc.
When making a reservation/online purchase, the customer specifies the type of billing document: receipt or VAT invoice (personalized/company). For direct sales on board the ship, the customer must indicate before purchase if they want a VAT invoice. If the customer does not specify the billing document type, a receipt without an NIP number will be issued. The customer has the right to change the billing document type only before the purchase document is printed.
For phone, email, or online reservations, the necessary data must be provided depending on the chosen billing document type:
a) VAT invoice (personalized) – for individuals: full name, full residential address, phone number, and email,
b) VAT invoice – for companies: full company or institution name, address, correspondence address, NIP number, phone number, and email. When making a reservation or online purchase, the customer must also accept the Carrier’s Regulations. -
When making a reservation or purchase, the passenger agrees to provide the Carrier with their personal data listed in item 3.
The data controller is the carrier:
a) Data entered into the reservation system via phone or online will be processed by the carrier in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of May 10, 2018 (Official Journal 2018, item 1000, as of May 25, 2018),
b) The person making the reservation agrees to the processing of their personal data by the carrier for administrative and statistical purposes,
c) The carrier processes personal data necessary to establish, modify, or terminate a legal relationship with the future ticket purchaser. -
Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary for the proper provision of the service. The reserver has the right to access and correct their data, as well as request its deletion.
A correctly made reservation is confirmed via email or SMS.
Reservation modifications are possible up to 24 hours before the scheduled trip. In case of an increase in the number of places or change of date, this is only possible if availability allows. If the number of places is reduced less than 3 hours before departure, the passenger must purchase tickets according to the reservation.
Cancellation of a confirmed reservation is possible by the same means 24 hours before the trip. Cancellation after this time results in a 50% charge of the reserved trip.
Organized groups must pay for purchased tickets before the trip.
If the payment is not made, the reservation will be canceled.
In justified cases, the carrier may agree to deferred payment for a reservation at the request of the reserver.
§ 5. Complaints
The passenger has the right to file a complaint related to the non-performance or improper performance of the service.
Complaints must be submitted within 7 days from the date of service.
Complaints should be submitted in writing by registered mail to the Carrier’s address:
Przewozy Pasażerskie Statek Cyranka F.H.U. Krzysztof Rojewski,
3-go Maja 19/2, 14-100 Ostróda or by email to: -
Complaints will be processed within 30 working days from the date of receipt by the carrier.
A properly submitted complaint should include: the name and surname of the person for whom the reservation was made/company name or institution with the correspondence address, contact number, email address, trip date, and a detailed description of the complaint.
The carrier is obliged to refund the price of the unfulfilled part of the trip in cases of force majeure, such as:
a) Unfavorable weather conditions preventing the ship from departing (e.g., strong storms, squalls, etc.),
b) Low or high water levels preventing the trip,
c) Ship or hydrotechnical device malfunction (e.g., lock failure),
d) Trip cancellations due to closure of navigation routes,
e) Other force majeure events preventing the ship from departing,
f) Low attendance.
§ 6. Final Provisions
- In matters not regulated in these regulations, the following provisions apply:
a) Act of November 15, 1984 – Transport Law (Journal of Laws 2000, No. 50, item 601, as amended),
b) Act of December 21, 2000 on Inland Navigation (Journal of Laws 2006, No. 123, item 857, as amended),
c) Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827, as amended),
d) As well as executive regulations to these acts.